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What is QPHI, and what is its nature of work?

  • Qatar Precision Health Institute (QPHI) is a national center for research and implementation under Qatar Foundation.
  • It focuses on enhancing precision healthcare quality and value through comprehensive studies of genomics and multi-omics.
  • QPHI integrates over 10 years of data collection, research, and ecosystem development from Qatar Biobank and Qatar Genome Programme to lead in personalized health approaches.

What is the purpose of QPHI?

  • QPHI aims to enable vital health research by collecting samples and information on health and lifestyle from the Qatari population.
  • Researchers utilize this data to understand disease development, lifestyle impacts, and genetic predispositions in the population.
  • The institute's research contributes to improving prevention and treatment strategies for diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer in Qatar.

Why is an institute like QPHI needed for Qatar and Arab people?

  • An institution like QPHI is imperative for Qatar and Arab people due to the underrepresentation of Arab genomic research data in predominantly Western-centric studies.
  • QPHI's integration of Qatar Biobank and Qatar Genome Programme addresses this gap, enabling the generation of region-specific genomic data and insights.
  • This initiative facilitates genetically relevant precision healthcare solutions tailored to the unique needs of Arab populations.

Does QPHI have any plans to establish international collaborations and partnerships to further its mission?

  • International and local collaborations are vital for QPHI to advance precision healthcare, fostering knowledge exchange and joint research efforts.
  • QPHI will sign today MOUs with key partners like The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, Health Institutes of Türkiye, and Hamad Medical Corporation to drive innovation locally and globally.
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